Leah Llewellyn (B.A.Hons/M.PHIL)
Contact: leaholwen@gmail.com
Leah Llewellyn is a production manager and videographer focused on public health and performance.
As a video journalist with over twenty years professional experience, Leah currently works with the ReachAnother Foundation, an international medical charity based in Ethiopia. She documents their work and produces fundraising and training films that highlight their pioneering work for children with hydrocephalus and spina-bifida.
Based in Manchester she creates films for community focused charity projects and performing artists. Her passion for public health and performance is evident throughout her work. In her twenties Leah worked ‘on the road’ with Sky News and studied Social Anthropology and Development Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). Following a decade of professional development in London, she was awarded a place on the highly competitive post-graduate programme, at the African Studies Centre: Leiden University, in the Netherlands. She gained a scholarship for field research which explored circuses in Ethiopia as a vehicle for promoting public health and social awareness. She received a distinction for her Research Master's Thesis: Juggling Agendas: Circus in Ethiopia and created her first short film featuring Circus Debre Berhan.
She works closely with her sister, composer Sarah Llewellyn (Tonal) as the Llewellyn Sisters creating films with original music. Leah recent collaborations include films for Community Arts North West, M6 Theatre, Afrocats, Peoplescape Theatre and Abortion Rights.