The ReachAnother Foundation
ReachAnother provides capacity-building knowledge and technologies that have changed hearts and minds, and instilled compassion and competence into the conversation of how to address neural tube defects. Our success is rooted in our commitment to sustainable partnerships with local Ethiopian healthcare systems and hospital staff.
Leah has been making films in Ethiopia with ReachAnother since 2015 with music by Sarah Llewellyn.
Leah is ReachAnother’s Production Manager and Videographer, filming, editing and managing an international media team to create training, campaign and public health awareness films to reduce the prevalence of neural tube defeats in Ethiopia.
ReachAnother: In Safe Hands (2022)
ReachAnother: Fortifying the Future (2021)
Contribute to ReachAnother (2020)
ወላጆች፣ ቤተሰብ ፣አሳዳጊዋች ልጆቻቸዉ የእስፓይናል ቤፊዳ ወይም ሀይድሮሴፊሊ ካላቸዉ ምን ማድረግ ይችላሉ
(Physiotherapy Training Film for Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida 2020)
This Amharic training film is also available to view in English here
10 Years of ReachAnother (2019)
What’s in a Name? ReachAnother Gala Film (2017)
It's What We Do: ReachAnother’s Gala Film (2016)
Training film for Hydrocephalus and Spina-Bifida (2016)
Stories of Survival: ReachAnother's Gala Film (2015)
ReachAnother's opens second school for autistic children in Nazareth, Southern Ethiopia (2015)
Manchester City Council
‘The Bread and Butter Thing (TBBT) is a charity that makes life more affordable for people on a low income. Our mission is to create a fair solution for people in poverty and our long-term aim is to address the premiums that people in poverty pay for food, loans, energy and other everyday essentials simply because of their personal circumstances.’
The Bread and Butter Thing (2020)
Circus in Ethiopia
Circus Debre Berhan: HIV Road Show (2011)
'Circus Debre Berhan: HIV Road Show' was submitted as part of Leah Llewellyn Research Masters in African Studies at Leiden University. It features Circus Debre Berhan in training and performing to raise awareness about HIV.